The science

Speakly is committed to advancing the field of language learning by using complex scientific approaches and providing validated research to make learning a language simple for everybody.

Natural Learning Childhood Imitation Speakly Platform Language Acquisition Intuitive Method
Speakly imitates the way we learn languages as children: naturally and holistically. We focus on learning words in their context, whole sentences, and statistically relevant study content.

Holistic means looking at the whole rather than just one part. It is a process for learning more effectively by approaching the language as a whole, learning all aspects of the language simultaneously. While traditional learning methods differentiate elemental parts of language like vocabulary and speaking, Speakly approaches all aspects of the language at the same time.

A great example of holistic learning—which everybody has experienced—is learning our mother tongue from our parents. This whole process involves all elements of the language at the same time, in a real-life context. That’s exactly what Speakly is mimicking: simulating the way we acquire languages in a natural and holistic way, starting to use the language from day one, and developing memorization, speaking, writing and comprehension skills simultaneously.

The result of all this is that you will develop faster in a language, using your innate learning capabilities on a much higher level and using a larger capacity of your memory and thinking capabilities in general.

Speakly teaches words and sentences based on their real-life statistical relevance. This makes the learning process four to five times faster than traditional methodologies.

What if we told you that in only ten hours of study, you could reach up to 42% of the most relevant vocabulary of a language, giving you almost half of the needed language skills in such a short active study time? And that 100 hours of study will give you the ability to master basically every situation that you might encounter in life?

To generate these results, Speakly uses the powerful mathematical idea of statistical relevance. It’s the idea that in any life situation, we can very precisely predict which words and sentences are the most useful for a person to maximize the skills of handling the situation. Speakly’s statistical relevance lists and complicated mathematical algorithms (which control the way Speakly teaches the language) have been researched and developed over a span of four-and-a-half years on more than 3,000 real-life learners.

The result of all this is that you will learn a language up to five times faster than you may have previously experienced, thanks to the help of powerful scientific models.

Memory Techniques Long-term Retention Speakly Platform Effective Learning Cognitive Strategies
Speakly uses various powerful memory techniques to help you efficiently save the information into your long-term memory.

Speakly uses several memory techniques to simplify the way you remember the new words and sentences that Speakly teaches you. The most well-known of these techniques is spaced repetition. It’s a scientific method that guides Speakly to give you the information before you would forget it and makes sure that it stays constantly fresh in your mind. So, you might see a word a few minutes after the first time, then a few days later, then a few weeks later, always at the time you need to see it most to make sure it is solidly in your memory.

While you are learning words and sentences in Speakly, the program under the surface is constantly analyzing your memory patterns and making decisions based on your actions, whether a word needs to be repeated more or less often, and when the best time is to repeat a piece of information. This gives you as a learner the freedom to trust the scientific methods behind the program and not worry about what’s the best way to memorize information.